Classy Chassis Replacer, also known as CCO is a huge mod which attempts to make all of the vanilla female outfits ‘sexy’.companion default outfit is considered as underarmor/outfit/clothing by some mods.Look, I personally don’t like turning my Fallout 4 game into a Playboy magazine. L0rd0fWar has cranked out quite a few armor mods for Fallout 4, and The Mercenary Pack is an all-in-one compendium that also includes new outfits made specifically for this particular release.To alleviate this concern, the BodySlide And Outfit Studio mod is here of 2 - List of Recommended Custom Companion Mods - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Talk: Im using Amazing Follower Tweaks which is easily the best companion management/controller/overhaul mod in the game.The mod itself offers a full storyline with 1,000+ lines of voiced dialogue, a new radio station, two companions, and full integration with Fallout 4's baseline story.You can use skin color mods, like XC in wip section, and make Piper orange, or Cait blue in the edit companion part Check out our new website: Heather Casdin. This is a video featuring my favorite Fallout 4 armor, clothing and outfit mods. comMods used: Spartan Sniper Outfit - CBBE - 8. Recognizing that dressing like a thot doesn’t generally keep you alive as a survivor, modder Aarwyn has added several new outfits meant to look casual yet show signs A wonderful, and arguably central part of Fallout 4. This mod turns Fallout 4 into a Silent Hill like Nigthtmare.

This mod overhauls the armor system in Fallout 4 to allow for nearly any combination of outfit and armor piece. While the options are now are incredibly sparse and don't give nearly the range of features available on PC, give it time and body replacement mods like Busty GRRL and less fully nude versions of the various body enhancer mods will arrive on PS4. Have your companion get in a suit of power armor. The first Fallout 4 mod on our list is K9 Harness. Initially I've separated the archive into two parts because deviant has a 200mb limit for a file attachment. Full-body outfits may even prevent the use of headgear and accessories. The looks are subtle enough to remain lore-friendly, while distinguished enough to stand apart from the vanilla assets.

This mod found its way to the Nexus fairly early on, and was updated a few times to add features before seemingly being finished. From now on you will be surrounded by Thick Fog, strange sounds and occasionally being dragged Configure outfits that your companions and other NPC's will automatically change into based on different conditions. Offering this mod for download on any other site is expressly forbidden. Go to "\Fallout 4\Data\Tools\BodySlide\" and run BodySlide. This group contain all converted outfits for this mod.