They include: the Wilfindja Experimental Sea Hunter, Universal Colossus Experimental Assault Bot, and the Urchinow Experimental Assault Block. You'll need to purchase all of the Experimental Units available, as this is the only way to satisfy Steamed's Research Technology objective. Leave an Engineer there on patrol, and prepare to spend more Research Points. You can add a handful of anti-air turrets, but you really shouldn't have much to worry about, as the enemies tend to ignore that area-it's just getting to it that's a challenge. If you make it there successfully, build a Shield Generator before anything else, and then start making Mass Extractors. Immediately send one or both of your Engineers-along with your aircraft and any remaining land units-toward that area. You may have noticed that there are two empty Mass nodes at the halfway point between the Cybran camp and the map's center. Wait until just after an incoming wave has been destroyed, and one of the Cybran's Experimental Units is on its way to the UEF's aircraft site. As long as you have at least one Engineer remaining, you'll be ready to handle this task. Whether they're on their way or not, send your existing aircraft into the empty space by your north-most campsite. Once again, zoom out, and look for oncoming enemy units.